
Themes for iBooks Author by Graphic Node 4.5 MacOSX 注册版-iBooks Author模板

苹果推出一个iBooks Author工具,任何人均可利用这一工具制作自己的书籍。可是iBooks Author自带的模板太少,唯一的6款模板又基本上都带着很浓的教科书风格。那些不是制作教科书的作者只好寻找第三方的iBooks Author模板。在这里向大家推荐两组非常美观的第三方iBooks Author模板,第一组来自Jumsoft公司的Book Palette主题专辑,内含20个各式各样的主题,分别包括教科书主题、烹饪书籍、剪贴簿、企业报告等等。这些主题便于套用,大部分主题的项目都可以轻 松调整尺寸、移动、删除或改变颜色。

Themes for iBooks Author by Graphic Node 4.5 MacOSX 注册版-iBooks Author模板

如果你觉得主题还不够多,那么可以试试Graphic Node的Themes for iBooks Author,内含70个不同主题,这些主题覆盖多种书籍类别,从商业类到旅游类到烹饪类,应有尽有。他们的主题也同样可以自由变换,易于操作,轻松添加 文字、表格、图片或视频,制作个性的交互式书籍。

Themes for iBooks Author by Graphic Node 4.5 MacOSX 注册版-iBooks Author模板

Themes for iBooks Author is a collection of 270 compelling templates for Apple’s new application for book creation and publishing. Browse the wide range of designs to find the perfect look, add your text and images and publish your own book to iBookstore!

Themes for iBooks Author by Graphic Node 4.5 MacOSX 注册版-iBooks Author模板

The 270 available templates cover various book categories from business and travel to arts and cooking. Each design is easily customizable and allows you to get the best of the book creation capabilities provided by iBooks Author.

Themes for iBooks Author by Graphic Node 4.5 MacOSX 注册版-iBooks Author模板

The emphasis of Themes for iBook Author is put on entertaining writing, so it is really easy to insert text, graphics or even movies. You can also change colors, font or style thus making your work look precisely the way you want. Add text, charts, tables or images anywhere on the page with a single click.

Themes for iBooks Author by Graphic Node 4.5 MacOSX 注册版-iBooks Author模板

The luxurious design and wide range of modification possibilities help to bring content to life in ways the printed books never could!

What’s New in Version 4.5:
– New 5 iBooks Templates.

Themes for iBooks Author by Graphic Node 4.5 MacOSX-iBooks Author模板下载地址:
[erphpdown]Download 百度云盘:
http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dEHDpV7 密码:khga

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文章名称:《Themes for iBooks Author by Graphic Node 4.5 MacOSX 注册版-iBooks Author模板》