
NXPowerLite for File Servers 7.1.19 注册版附注册码-优化服务器文件冗余

NXPowerLite Server Edition(服务器版)能显著减少你服务器上Microsoft Office文件的大小。这些文件将保持其原有的格式,压缩后的文件无需任何解压软件就能直接使用。它在你设置的目录集合中进行递归搜索,优化文件并将源文件替换成经过优化的版本。

NXPowerLite for File Servers 7.1.19 注册版附注册码-优化服务器文件冗余

NXPowerLite能通过智能地压缩图片和文字来优化Microsoft Word文档,Excel电子数据表,PowerPoint演讲文件和PDF文件。它运行快速,高效,并且极其便于使用。只需选择需要压缩的Word、Excel、PowerPoint文件或PDF文件,然后选择适当的压缩级别并点击“压缩”按钮即可完成操作。

压缩设置完全可以根据实际需要定制,因此你可以根据实际需要选择质量和压缩比率之间的最佳平衡点。批处理选项意味着你可以一次优化许多文件,这位批量操作节省了时间,也能节省大量的硬盘或网络存储空间。你可以从Word、Excel、PowerPoint文件、PDF文件 – 或通过在Windows浏览器中右击鼠标实现。NXPowerLite还能与Microsoft Outlook集成 – 因此你能在发送电子邮件之前自动优化邮件附件。

NXPowerLite for File Servers 7.1.19 注册版附注册码-优化服务器文件冗余

文件接收方无需安装NXPowerLite来打开经压缩的文件。这些被压缩过的文件将保持其原始的格式和所有的功能特性,因此任何有相关软件(如,Microsoft Office)的人都能打开和编辑它们。


  • 配置快速而且简单
  • 轻松根据你的环境进行配置
  • 无需最终用户培训或参与
  • 用户界面简单直观,可清晰查看节省空间
  • 内置时间调度功能,方便地选择何时优化您的文件


NXPowerLite software recovers storage by compressing PDF, Microsoft Office, JPEG and TIFF files on your servers. It’s a simple ‘Set and forget’ solution that’s trusted by thousands of organizations.

Key features

Works with any storage

Compress files on any storage device in the same Windows domain as the machine on which NXPowerLite is installed, including EMC, NetApp and Novell Netware servers.

Transparent Compression

Compressed files remain in the same format and with the same file extension as the originals.

Watch Folders

In addition to compressing all your existing files, nominate hot folders to watch for and compress incoming files too.

Set Rules

Easily select which folders and files to compress. Choose to exclude files by specific attributes like date last modified, location and extension.


Use the built in scheduler or control the service from other events using Windows task scheduler. This provides flexibility to work around other regular tasks like backups.

Monitor Results

NXPowerLite generates comprehensive reports, detailing how storage was being used and the savings achieved by compressing files.

官网地址: http://www.nxpowerlite.com

NXPowerLite for File Servers 7.1.19 注册版附注册码
Download 城通网盘: https://545c.com/file/3477565-422615626
Download 百度网盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uxdP1NJGDztKSXcRKfhbnQ 密码:uiha

NXPowerLite for File Servers 7.0.9 注册版附注册码
Download YunFile云盘: http://yfdisk.com/fs/3tco7p9m7o6l5d10/
Download 城通网盘: https://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/Ql2166245470
Download 百度网盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qXDZccs 密码:77c9
解压密码: www.unyoo.com

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文章名称:《NXPowerLite for File Servers 7.1.19 注册版附注册码-优化服务器文件冗余》