
Secure Eraser Professional Edition 5.000 Retail多语言中文注册版-数据安全擦除

Secure Eraser 是一个彻底删除文件、擦除回收站内删除文件、以及清除驱动器未用磁盘空间(不影响未删除的文件)的工具软件。可以彻底清除以前删除文件的任何痕迹。软件支持右键集成,支持文件拖放,以方便用户使用。专业版提供了五种数据擦除模式,包括最高的 Gutmann 擦除(35 次擦除),同时还内建了符合美国国防部标准的 U.S. DOD 5220.22-ME(覆盖三次)和U.S. DOD 5220.22-MECE(覆盖七次)擦除算法,可以彻底防止软件和硬件恢复工具的恢复。

Secure Eraser Professional Edition 5.000 Retail多语言中文注册版-数据安全擦除

程序同时也内置了防止软件恢复且速度快的 Pseudorandom Data(伪随机数据覆盖)算法,擦除的敏感数据不可再被恢复。另外软件还集成了系统清理,注册表清理和空闲空间擦除模块,提供了详细的事件日志以供查看。辅以强大的右键功能,让您的安全删除更为便捷.

Because it’s been erased from your hard drive, doesn’t mean it’s gone forever. As long as the information was not overwritten, anyone can restore it at any time. It gets even more complicated, if a computer has been resold or given away. Secure Eraser uses the most renowned method of data disposal and overwrites sensitive information in such a sure way that it can never be retrieved – even with specialized software. Our multiple award-winning solutions for definitively destroying data also eliminate any cross-references that could leave traces of deleted files in the allocation table of your hard drive.

This easy-to-use Windows software will overwrite sensitive data even up to 35 times – regardless of whether they are files, folders, drives, recycle bin or traces of surfing. You can also delete files that have already been deleted, but this time for good.

OS : Windows XP, Vista, Win7, 8, 8.1, Win10
Language : Multilingual

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文章名称:《Secure Eraser Professional Edition 5.000 Retail多语言中文注册版-数据安全擦除》