
AssetManage Enterprise 2015 v15.0.0.14 注册版-固定资产管理软件

AssetManage Enterprise 2015 是一款公司固定资产管理软件。可以管理公司的办公家具,用具,电脑等等的所在地,他们目前的状况,维护历史,目前归属者等等情况,可以跟踪器件的租赁合同和质保,计算固定资产的折旧,甚至可以扫描和打印条形码。

AssetManage Enterprise 2015 v15.0.0.14 注册版-固定资产管理软件

在需要为您的公司盘点所有资产时,AssetManage 提供您所需的一切功能,包括:可以定制的报告、检入/检出、打印和扫描条形码。该软件还跟踪您拥有的所有资产,它们的位置、拥有者和与其相关联的所有费用。软件支持:Win7/Win10


* 跟踪维护、修复、租赁所需的费用和其他开支

* 扫描和打印条形码,创建您自己的条形码标签

* 计算每月和每年的资产折旧

* 使用“资产审计向导”来找到丢失的资产

* 检入/检出;打印雇员工作证

* 包含大量有用报告;创建您自己的报告

* AssetManage 提供两个版本;Standard Edition 使用一个针对多用户的数据文件,Enterprise Version 面向 Microsoft SQL Server™ 和其他符合 ODBC 的数据库

* 能够实现多用户。

Use AssetManage asset tracking software to quickly and accurately inventory your company assets. You will be able to: keep track of the current location of your assets and whom they are currently assigned to; scan and print barcodes; maintain vendor info, asset disposals, employee data, and maintenance records; calculate Monthly and Annual Depreciation.

AssetManage eliminates the headaches of calculating asset depreciation by automatically generating both monthly and annual depreciation tables using the straight-line, double-declining balance, 150% declining balance, straight percentage, or sum of years digits depreciation methods. Supports an unlimited number of locations and assets. Attach files and Internet links to your asset records. This application is a way to keep track of related documents such as invoices or maintenance documents.

General Features:
* Use AssetManage to keep track of all your company assets, including
furniture, office equipment, computers and more.
* Scan and Print Barcodes. Create your own barcode labels.
* Track leases, maintenance, repair history and other expenses.
* Calculate Monthly and Annual Depreciation Tables.
* Use the Asset Audit Wizard to find missing assets.
* Includes many useful reports. Create your own reports using the
Integrated Report Designer.
* Attach images, files and Internet links to each record.
* Automatically track changes in Asset assignment or Location

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文章名称:《AssetManage Enterprise 2015 v15.0.0.14 注册版-固定资产管理软件》