
IVT BlueSoleil 10.0.496.1 多语言中文注册版-最好用的蓝牙驱动产品

BlueSoleil 10 是IVT公司最新推出的一款中文版蓝牙驱动产品,它秉承了BlueSoleil系列一贯的简洁易用的功能特点,以及美观友好的操作界面,千月蓝牙软件(BlueSoleil)可轻松帮您实现台式机或笔记本等各种计算机平台间的无线连接;无线访问种类繁多的具有蓝牙功能的设备;无线接入Internet、搭建蓝牙无线网络,随时随地与其他计算机或掌上电脑(PDA)交换信息、共享资源的需求,使用蓝牙鼠标、键盘、通过蓝牙耳机听音乐等各种应用。可支持XP/Vista以及Win7/Win8/Win8.1/Win10系统平台。。

IVT BlueSoleil 10.0.496.1 多语言中文注册版-最好用的蓝牙驱动产品

全面支持蓝牙4.0,完美发挥蓝牙4.0的适配器优质特性;完善的windows XP/Win7/8/8.1/Win10的32位和64位系统支持;VoIP和iSend功能;可以自动连接已配对设备等;主要功能包括蓝牙局域网(PAN)、蓝牙高质量音频(A2DP,HFP)、蓝牙图像传输功能(BIP)、串行端口功能 (SPP)、蓝牙打印服务(HCRP)、 蓝牙文件传输服务(FTP)、蓝牙信息交换服务(OPP)、蓝牙拨号上网服务(DUN)。

BlueSoleil 10新功能特别推荐:


2、兼容Windows 10/Windows 8/8.1/Windows 7系统




6、BlueSoleil 10支持大多数的Symbian S40/S60、Windows、MTK手机和提供PBAP服务的手机

7、支持蓝牙4.0(支持服务如:Find Me找到我、Proximity距离感应、Health Thermometer健康医疗、Heart Rate心率测量、HID OVER GATT等)

IVT BlueSoleil 10.0.496.1 多语言中文注册版-最好用的蓝牙驱动产品










BlueSoleil 10拥有防盗版机制,用来保护您的合法权益。BlueSoleil 10支持Windows XP、Windows Vista、Windows 7、Windows 8/8.1和Windows 10等系统。邀您一起畅享BlueSoleil 10给您带来的完美的无线体验!


BlueSoleil 10支持主流的芯片组,例如CSR、Broadcom,ISSC,德州仪器,Atheros,3DSP,Marvell,Accel Semiconductor,Conwise等,支持的具有蓝牙功能的笔记本电脑,例如联想ThinkPad,惠普,戴尔,索尼,华硕,三星,东芝和LG等。

IVT BlueSoleil 10.0.496.1 多语言中文注册版-最好用的蓝牙驱动产品

BlueSoleil allows your Bluetooth enabled computer to wirelessly integrate a multitude of Bluetooth devices such as mobile phones, stereo headsets, keyboards and mouse devices all in one screen. In addition BlueSoleil Windows supports 24 different Bluetooth functions, and supports 17 different languages.

BlueSoleil 10 based on BlueSoleil 9’s features takes advantage of Bluetooth 4.0 low energy technology and is Windows 8/8.1/Windows 10 compatible. BlueSoleil 10 has improved functions and optimized performance.

BlueSoleil 10 is one of the most popular professional Windows-based Bluetooth applications, developed by IVT with great innovation and independence. Bluesoleil is able to fulfill demands of integrating a diverse array of Bluetooth enabled digital devices, such as mobile phones, headsets, printers, keyboards and so on. You can also establish networks and exchange data with other Bluetooth enabled computers.

Aren’t you tired of tangling wires? BlueSoleil 10 presents a new wireless Bluetooth experience. You can view and manage your contacts in your mobile phone from computer and backup your contacts wirelessly via BlueSoleil 10. You can easily type long messages directly from BlueSoleil messages dialogue. You can transfer files, photos, music, videos and any other data wirelessly.

Meanwhile, you are able to connect with other people via BlueSoleil 10. It is a worthwhile and user-friendly tool that you can share with you family and friends. When you own BlueSoleil 10, you can get BlueSoleil cPhone (Cell Phone Wireless Management Expert) FREE at the same time. You’re bound to take BlueSoleil 10 home, aren’t you?

BlueSoleil 10 New Features
– Being Windows 8/8.1 、Windows 10 compatible
– Supports Bluetooth 4.0 (profiles such as Find Me, Proximity, Health Thermometer, Heart Rate, HID OVER GATT)
– Supporting dual mode dongles
– Having enhanced sound quality of A2DP and SCO
– Having improved performance of Multi-Profiles
– Supports most Symbian S40/S60, Windows Mobile, MTK mobile phones and mobile phones that provide PBAP service.

OS : Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 8.1 and Windows 10

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文章名称:《IVT BlueSoleil 10.0.496.1 多语言中文注册版-最好用的蓝牙驱动产品》