
Premier System X6 16.6.1138 多语言注册版-财务管理软件


Premier是一款非常好用的财务管理软件,是由Premier公司发布了最新版本代号为X6的应用程序!分门别类的管理界面设计,适应客户的不同需求和目的。例如: 金钱账户管理丶客户数据管理丶供货商数据管理丶合约管理丶记录丶薪资管理丶投资股票管理,以及包含本项软件管理界面,提供在线帮助与数据维护管理,适合小型公司或个体户。

Premier System X6 16.6.1138 多语言注册版-财务管理软件

Premier System X6 16.x

An advanced and complete economic software (original Windows application) whose unique graphic design and ergonomic environment offer a wide number of options to suit the program to individual needs and requirements of the client.

Advantages and Distinctions of the Software

The wide assortment of modules allows covering all areas of the company management in any industry (see Reference)

Large font
The unusually large letter font provides the user with a well-visible and ergonomical graphic environment easy for orientation.

The navigation through the program is based on interactive nesting so the user does not get confused by a large number of functional keys and icons on the screen at once.

The user can choose modules or packages that meet own needs and specific requirements. Below is the list of separate program modules that are further comprised of submodules, e.g. Customers (Billing, Due Notices, Penalization, Deposit Bills, Partners Directory, Invoice Patterns, Receivable Overview, etc.).

The way the program has been designed allows the user to perform almost any modification required to meet the user’s needs in a relatively short time. This applies as well for the area of legislative continuity.

OS : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit)

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解压密码: www.unyoo.com

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文章名称:《Premier System X6 16.6.1138 多语言注册版-财务管理软件》