
StampManage Deluxe 2016 v16.0.0.15 注册版-集邮辅助软件

StampManage 是一款集邮辅助软件,可以帮助集邮爱好者管理他们所有的收藏品。软件内含了美国,澳大利亚,加拿大,古巴,和英国的全部的数万种邮票,以及世界其他国家的 部分邮票,包括了所有的子类和 2万余张高分辨率图片。

StampManage Deluxe 2016 v16.0.0.15 注册版-集邮辅助软件

该软件中每一张邮票除了带有Scott Number和识别图案,还有以下信息:名称、描述、种类、颜色、系列、印刷厂、发行地区、发行日期、类型、穿孔、纸质、水印以及胶水等。同时还集成了 ebay搜索功能,让你迅速知道该邮票目前的拍卖价格。如果您是一位集邮爱好者,这款软件可不要错过。

A reliable and efficient software utility designed to help you organize and value your stamp collection using SCOTT numbers identification. StampManage is an advanced and professional software utility that allows you to create detailed stamp collections on your computer.

– 278,275 comprehensive listings of stamps from the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Sweden, France, Portugal, Germany, Cuba, Russia, Hungary, UN, etc… Including sub-varieties.
– 153,620+ hi-res images to help identify your stamps. Liberty Street Software is Officially Licensed to use the SCOTT™ stamp numbering system.
– Numerous useful reports, including a Stamp Checklist and a Stamp Album Page report that will let you print out Stamp Album pages complete with identifying images.
– How Much is your Collection Worth? Find out with our up-to-date Market Values including Plate Block & Sheets.
– Use our amazing eBay™ & BidStart™ search feature to quickly search current & completed auctions by SCOTT™ number…A great way to find recent selling prices.

StampManage Deluxe 2016 v16.0.0.15 注册版-下载地址:
[erphpdown]Download 百度云盘:
https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eRReRZW 密码:1il7

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文章名称:《StampManage Deluxe 2016 v16.0.0.15 注册版-集邮辅助软件》