
WinNc v9.2.0.0 x64/x86 多语言中文注册版-优秀的文件管理器

WinNc 是一款优秀的功能齐全的文件管理器工具,完全可用来替代Windows已存在 Windows 文件管理器,WinNc使用了我们熟悉DOS文件管理器相同的快捷键及鼠标功能。极似 Total Commander,除了提供一般的重命名、查看、编辑、复制、删除、移动、新建等功能外,还提供了统计目录大小和压缩解压缩的功能!并同时具备了文本比较、加密、编译、转化、刻录、分割、合并、同步和创建ISO文件的功能!功能可谓非常强大!

WinNc v9.2.0.0 x64/x86 多语言中文注册版-优秀的文件管理器


WinNc v9.2.0.0 x64/x86 多语言中文注册版-优秀的文件管理器

Options→Visual features→WinNc Language→简体中文

WinNc v9.2.0.0 x64/x86 多语言中文注册版-优秀的文件管理器

WinNc is still downwards compatible with Windows 8 and Windows 7 and uses the modern flat interface. This NC clone file manager is inspired on the dual panel idea of the old file manager Norton Commander. It has shortcuts to all the Windows 10 special folders and the tabbed interface allows you to organize your data by project. Projects can include virtual links to files and folders from all over the disk that are related to that project tab. With a new Windows 10 flat interface WinNc can do all the basic tasks you expect from a file manager like copy, move, delete, compress, uncompress and create links. But WinNc also converts audio, burns files on dvd and cd, creates iso files and you are able to synchronize your files. From zip files it allows the creation of self extraction .exe files.

WinNc uses logical colors for the file actions so you can see if a file is being copied (Green), being moved (Orange) or being packed (Yellow). WinNc allows you to perform multiple tasks by setting the maximum parallel tasks to more than one task. Otherwise WinNc will wait to start the new action until the previous action has finished. There is a built in file viewer supporting all the popular formats. It has a built in slideshow viewer, an audio player and a video player for quickly browsing through your media.

– License ratio
– Show availability of update for shareware users
– Icon for shareware users updated
– Small errors fixed.

WinNc v9.2.0.0 x86/x64
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文章名称:《WinNc v9.2.0.0 x64/x86 多语言中文注册版-优秀的文件管理器》