
VirtualBreadboard (VBB) 多语言正式版-Arduino仿真模拟器

目前开源的Arduino平台非常火热,但仿真的软件并不多。诸如Proteus、Emulare等,虽然有的专业,有的免费,但总有些差强人意,这里笔者为大家介绍一款专门的Arduino仿真利器——Virtual Breadboard。VirtualBreadboard(以下简称VBB),中文名可直译为“虚拟面包板”,是通过单片机实现嵌入式软件的模拟器和开发环境。

VirtualBreadboard (VBB) 多语言正式版-Arduino仿真模拟器



VirtualBreadboard (VBB) 多语言正式版-Arduino仿真模拟器

VBB几乎支持我们日常所需的所有部件,包括开关、LED、LCD、电机、电阻、三极管等常用电子元器件,甚至还包括串口和以太网模拟。即使没有,也可以通过用户自定义部件或者下载其他用户的网络部件来实现所需功能。VBB版支持Arduino标准版和Arduino Nano,Arduino UNO 和 Arduino 1.0。



VirtualBreadboard (VBB) 多语言正式版-Arduino仿真模拟器






(5)通过样例来快速学习。 更新记录:
Fixed Licensing Error blocking Arduino Toolkit from directly programming the Arduino Device using VBB CodeBender Cloud Service
Changed .net target to 4.0 to enable installer to use .NET 4.0 and drop .NET 2.0 installer dependency making installation smoother 更新记录:
Fixed the Sketch Import function to enable it in VBB4Arduino
Breaking Change: Changed Arduino IDE Monitor to monitor the project directory. Use ‘Export Compiled Binary’ feature when using Arduino IDE
Added code templates when creating Arduino new projects
Removed the errors tab at runtime
Fixed the console in the console tab to function with the simulation not external device
Added new DIP28,DIP8 packages to the ArduinoSim/Em devices
Fixed the EEPROM editor for the Arduino Em
Added PIC16F84 watchdog timer and EEADR full byte register 更新记录:
Added support for VbbIO USB I/O interface:
Added VbbIO License Provider to enable Licenses to be carried between machines with the VbbIO dongle
Added VbbIOSerialCOM virtual serial port to enable Serial Communications with external devices
Added VbbIO Bootloader mode to AVR Devices
AVR Simulator enhancements:
VbbIO Bootloader enable programming via optiboot-abledev platforms – Arduino IDE/VIsual Micro/Atmel Studio etc
Bug fix for AVR Timer peripheral which was effecting Timings for delay()
Added Clock frequency property to change the speed of operation
Added runtime visualisation for simulated time, RX/TX LED’s and built in LED
Added Build Dir property to support change to Arduino IDE for IDE monitor. Use arduino_build* for 1.6.12 and later.
NOTE: 1.6.12 broke the command line uploader. Is fixed in 1.6.12 nightly builds.
Component Fixes:
Fix for 4094 shift register initialisation
fix for DAC component
fixed graphic for SerialEthernetBridge, SerialEthernetClient
fixed Arduino project importer 更新记录:
Rebranded as VBB ‘Classic’ to differentiate with the modern ‘App’ versions of VBB:
Removed Power Up licence – entry level moves to ‘App’
Remove VbbRT – moving to future version of App
Removed Lora – moving to future version of App
Removed the help panel – moved to App version for education
Synched code with App version
Resistors – added fuse mode which can be used in place of nromal/pullup/pulldown mode
Junctions – fixed a bug with junctions
Keypad example – fixed
Performance – tweaks to performance loading times etc
Fritzing – updated to load from .9x which had changed the part directory layout
Fixed interrupt random error
Bug fixes to 555 timer calculator

Download YunFile云盘: http://yfdisk.com/fs/5top0mol8de6a0d5/
Download 城通网盘: https://sun0816.ctfile.com/fs/gSb186234852
Download 百度网盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i5fwddb 密码:u66g
解压密码: www.unyoo.com

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版权声明:本文采用知识共享 署名4.0国际许可协议 [BY-NC-SA] 进行授权
文章名称:《VirtualBreadboard (VBB) 多语言正式版-Arduino仿真模拟器》