
ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 17.2 注册版-电磁仿真软件


ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 17.2 注册版-电磁仿真软件


ANSYS enhanced the depth and breadth of its electromagnetic field solutions when it incorporated the industry-leading electromagnetic field solvers from Ansoft into the portfolio. These products cover the full spectrum of electromagnetic analysis and design. ANSYS electromagnetic solutions enable users to leverage best-in-class software technology to predict the behavior of electrical and electromechanical devices, eliminate prototype iterations, and deliver products to market faster.

ANSYS is the global leader in engineering simulation. We bring clarity and insight to our customer’s most complex design challenges through the broadest portfolio of fast, accurate and reliable simulation tools. Our technology enables organizations in all industries to imagine high-quality, innovative product designs that are sustainable and have an accelerated time to market. Founded in 1970, ANSYS employs almost 3000 professionals, more than 700 of them with PhDs in engineering fields such as finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, electronics and electromagnetics, embedded software, system simulation and design optimization. Headquartered south of Pittsburgh, U.S.A., ANSYS has more than 75 strategic sales and development locations throughout the world with a network of channel partners in 40+ countries.

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文章名称:《ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 17.2 注册版-电磁仿真软件》