
Siemens PLM NX 11.0 Easy Fill Advanced 1.2注册版

Simcenter产品组合独特地将1D 仿真、3D CAE和测试集为一身,帮助您更早地在整个产品生命周期内根据所有关键属性预测性能。Simcenter将基于物理的仿真与通过数据分析得出的结果相结合,帮助您优化设计并且更快更可靠地交付创新。Simcenter可以帮助您预测基于3D几何体设计的性能。Simcenter可以导入来自任何CAD软件的几何体,并帮助您在统一环境中准备用于多种CAE方法(包括有限元、边界元、计算流体动力学和多体动力学)的分析模型。Simcenter的集成式高端多学科解决方案可扩展以供CAE工程师和学科专家使用。此外,通过将3D仿真与Simcenter 1D和测试解决方案相链接,您可以实现无与伦比的准确性。

Siemens PLM NX 11.0 Easy Fill Advanced 1.2注册版

Simcenter 3D为3D CAE提供统一、可扩展、开放且可伸缩的环境,而且连接到设计、1D仿真、测试和数据管理。Simcenter 3D将一流几何体编辑、关联仿真建模以及融入行业专业知识的多学科解决方案完美结合,加快仿真过程。 快速准确的解算器支持结构分析、声学分析、流体分析、热学分析、运动分析、复合材料分析以及优化和多物理场仿真。

About Moldex3D

CoreTech System Co., Ltd. (Moldex3D) has been providing the professional CAE analysis solution “Moldex” series for the plastic injection molding industry since 1995, and the current product “Moldex3D” is marketed and supported worldwide. Committed to provide the advanced technologies and solutions for industrial demands, CoreTech System has extended its worldwide sales and service network to provide local, immediate, and professional service. CoreTech System provides the innovative simulation software to help customers troubleshoot from product design to development, optimize design patterns, shorten time-to-market, and maximize product return on investment (ROI). In addition to NX EasyFill Analysis, more advanced Moldex3D functions are also integrated with NX for packing, cooling and warpage optimization.

About Siemens PLM Software

Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Digital Factory Division, is a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) and manufacturing operations management (MOM) software, systems and services with over 15 million licensed seats and more than 140,000 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens PLM Software works collaboratively with its customers to provide industry software solutions that help companies everywhere achieve a sustainable competitive advantage by making real the innovations that matter.

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