
SQLyog Ultimate v12.5.0 多语言中文注册版附注册码


SQLyog Ultimate v12.5.0 多语言中文注册版附注册码

7、基于C++和MySQL API编程;
11、直接运行批量 SQL 脚本文件,速度极快;
12. 智能SQL语句自动完成功能;

SQLyog Ultimate v12.5.0 多语言中文注册版附注册码

SQLyog 12.5.0 (Nov 2017)
–Added command-line syntax for applying registration details when doing a ‘silent install’. You may refer this FAQ for details. Note that this option is only available for Ultimate edition.
–A notification is now displayed when a large operation has finished (program icon in taskbar will ‘blink’).
Bug Fixes:
–Fixed a bug in JSON export where reserved characters for JSON were not escaped properly.
–SJA for Linux now requires Linux kernel version 2.6.32 or higher.
–Now Date along with Time is also displayed in History tab.

SQLyog 12.4.3 (June 2017)
–SJA for Linux now requires Linux kernel version 2.6.32 or higher.
–Now Date along with Time is also displayed in History tab.

SQLyog 12.4.2 (May 2017)
Important notice:
–The tunneler file for HTTP-tunnel has been updated with this release and must be replaced on the server.  Earlier HTTP-tunnel required PCRE-support in the server-side PHP-environment. Now it does not.
–Search function in Object Browser now supports regular expressions.
Bug Fixes:
–Fixed a rare connection failure using SSH-tunnel to specific BSD systems.
–Removed unnecessary virtual column check for older servers with no support for this.
–Fixed a crash when a menu-item, that is disabled in read-only mode, was clicked with no active connection tab.
–In Scheduled Backup wizard renamed the ’Flush Master Logs’ -option to ‘Purge Binary Logs’. This is in order to comply with ‘mysldump’. Further removed ‘Flush Slave Log’ -option, as using it on a replication environment could break replication.

SQLyog 12.4.1 (March 2017)
–Added an option to HEX-dump binary data in Export as SQL and in Scheduled Backup.
–In read-only mode FLUSH-statements can now be executed from the GUI as well as editor, except for ‘FLUSH TABLE WITH READ LOCK’ (as we don’t allow acquiring explicit LOCKS in read-only mode).
Bug Fixes:
–On enabling HTTP, SSL or SSH checkbox in the connection manager, the checkbox wasn’t re-drawn automatically. The checkbox were re-drawn only on hovering over them or switching to another tab in the connection window
–In Table Diagnostics, clicking on Analyse executed same query irrespective of ‘Local’ being checked or not.
–Changed the row count in Data Synchronisation Wizard to use a 64-bit integer. Before this the rowcount displayed would stop incrementing at a 10-digit number.
–Import from Excel did not handle cells with multiline text properly. A linebreak became a SPACE.
–For a non read-only connection, on right-clicking on a table, the Import External Data option was greyed out even though it could be accessed from the Powertools and shortcut key.
–The ‘date picker’ did not handle dates with a ZERO-day/month/year (as allowed in specific sql_modes). In such cases current date would be selected and inadvertedly clicking “OK” in the dialog would overwrite. Now nothing is selected and the OK button is ‘greyed out’ in such cases.
–Fixed a rare crash occurring when editing the password for a connection.
–Regression fix: In SQL backups an extra \r was added for every \r\n in stored routines.
–Schema Sync sometimes failed to sync indentations to target exactly like on source.

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